Monday, August 24, 2009

First Post!

It's me, Adam. Good pseudonym, huh?

Well, here is my blog for Dr. Rachel's Advanced Videography. Welcome.

For our first assignment...what is my visual style? I have to admit it is a difficult question for me to answer, because I've never before thought about my own personal visual style. The first thing that comes to mind is color. I like it when complicated color patterns (to me that means about 4 to 6 prominent colors, more and it gets messy-looking) are used effectively to highlight significant components of a scene. One of the first movies that comes to mind is The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. In fact, Wes Anderson movies generally are a visual delight for me.

Looking at this movie poster reminded me of another poster I really like (I have it in my living room as a matter of fact)

I also really like big shots, that is to say shots that are grand in scope...shots that are epic. Landscapes, immense buildings, armies, big whales even...anything that dwarfs human beings and can then be used to depict human emotion on a grander scale. To me, using a huge master shot that reflects an internal feeling are much more beautiful than extreme close-ups that force you to analyze someone's emotional state from their expression. I absolutely love it when landscape shots are used to reflect the emotions and state of mind of a character. Similarly, I enjoy stories in which the characters are strongly tied to their surroundings in some way.

from Hero

The movies I enjoy most, visually, are ones that combine both of these elements: grand scale and liberal color use. Hero and Lost in Translation are two examples that come to mind.

from Hero again...not many different colors, but plenty of color nonetheless

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